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Gender Dysphoria:
Development, Research, Management

Betty W. Steiner (Ed.)

1985, Plenum Press

421 Pages

From the Foreword

Gender Dysphoria: Development, Research, Management is the mark of the new status of transsexualism and sex reassignment.  It draws together current research, clinical knowledge, psychological theories, and technological skills.  Its hallmark is expansion beyond the phenomenon of transsexualism to include other gender dysphorias and the interrelationship among several atypical patterns of sexuality.  However, as the model of conventional sexual identity development gone askew, transsexualism remains exemplary.  As such, the text's heritage remains with Harry Benjamin. 

Gender Dysphoria will serve as a benchmark for those concerned with serving the health needs of persons who feel they have the mind of one gender and body of another sex.  To anyone at all curious about how he or she developed a sexual identity, a bedrock for all experience, the work with transsexuals transcends the plight of this relatively small patient population.

Table of Contents

Introduction - Betty W. Steiner, Ray Blanchard, and Kenneth J. Zucker

The Origin of Gender Identity - John Hoenig

Etiology of Transsexualism - John Hoenig

Cross-Gender-Identified Children - Kenneth J. Zucker

Gender Disorders in Childhood: A Formulation - Susan J. Bradley

The Spectrum of Gender Identity Disturbances: An Intrapsychic Model - Allan Beitel

The Meanings of Cross-Dressing - Ron Langevin

Research Methods for the Typological Study of Gender Disorders in Males - Ray Blanchard

Cross-Gender Identity in a Broader Context - Kurt Freund

The Management of Patients with Gender Disorders - Betty W. Steiner

Transsexuals, Transvestites and Their Partners - Betty W. Steiner

Gender Dysphoria and Gender Reorientation - Ray Blanchard

Medical-Legal Issues - Stephen J. Hucker

Transsexualism in the Arts - John Hoenig

A Personal Perspective - Betty W. Steiner

Readers' Comments


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Richard Fitzpatrick  rfpadraig@msn.com

apppears to be a valuable resource

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Jennifer Booth 

The book is informative as far as one can be. Even after all these years in this state, I still have no answers to my own questions of my inner self and my sexual identity, I still have no idea why I underwent this change, only that it seemed that I had no other choice. My will to do this has never been as strong to do any other thing.