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Physician's Guide to Transgendered Medicine

Sheila Kirk, M.D.

1996, Together Lifeworks

66 Pages

From the Cover

Transgendered Medicine is a new medical discipline, but it embraces age-old principles and ideas along with innovative and unique treatment procedures.

Dr, Kirk combines her many years of private practice in related fields and her direct association with the worldwide experts in Transgendered medical care and research to provide you with accurate methods in diagnosis and management of your Transgendered patient.

Table of Contents

Your Male to Female Transgendered Patient

  1. M-F Initial Evaluation
  2. M-F Monitoring Process
  3. When a Genetic Male Uses a Feminizing Regimen
  4. Potential Problems & Complications for the M-F on a Feminizing Regimen
  5. The Medications That Can Be Prescribed For The M-F
  6. Measurements - A Way to Evaluate Progress

Your Female to Male Transgendered Patient

  1. Initial Evaluations for the F-M
  2. The Monitoring Process for the F-M Individual
  3. Physical Changes in the Genetic Female Using A Masculinizing Regimen
  4. Potential Problems & Complications for the F-M on a Masculinizing Regimen
  5. The Medications That Can Be Prescribed For The F-M


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